Modern Slavery Policy

We are dedicated to ensuring that modern slavery is not present in our operations or supply chain. Rubix Solutions Pty Ltd offers recruitment and labour hire services to Australian businesses, specialising in IT, Telecommunications, and Defence Recruitment. 

Modern Slavery Policy

While we are not mandated to report under the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 or NSW Modern Slavery Act 2018, we recognise the importance of transparency in supply chains to identify and eradicate slavery practices.  

Thus, we pledge to assess and monitor the risks of modern slavery within our business and supply chain and take proactive measures to eradicate such practices. Our approach to monitoring modern slavery practices is guided by four key principles: 

 1) Cultivate meaningful partnerships throughout the supply chain by: 

    • Educating and training partners about modern slavery risks, 
    • Clearly communicating our business expectations through open dialogue and formal agreements, 
    • Addressing potential issues through questioning and regular reviews, 
    • Maintaining accurate records of supply practices and actions taken to address modern slavery risks. 

2) Employ a collaborative risk management approach internally and with suppliers to identify high-risk areas and take necessary action. 

3) Acknowledge Rubix Solutions Pty Ltd’s influence to drive change and consider how our business practices, including client and supplier interactions, may inadvertently contribute to inappropriate practices (e.g., unusually low supplier prices or improper labour engagement models). 

4) Regularly review Rubix Solutions Pty Ltd’s status regarding reporting entity thresholds under the Acts on a biannual basis. 

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